Petal Scatter


This is a player-created build, done on the latest patch of the game.
Created by Rashtor Nesmarck


This build is made for killing extremely though enemies, mostly bosses, on the right opportunity windows, and is centered around the use of a DLC gift: Tranquil Slice. The build is made with solo players in mind, which means it can be further tweaked for more damage with NPCs and/or co-op with players.


Weapon 1: Iceblood (Intensification) or Blazing Claw (Intensification). You need a weapon that has both Will and Mind scaling. Iceblood and Blazing Claw are of the few of these weapons that the game gives you for free as you progress the story.
Weapon 2: Flexible. Probably a fast weapon with either Devour (for Ichor gain) or Stun transformations.
Blood Veil: Ivory Grace/Suicide Spur (Depends of setup).
Blood Code: Queen's Claw
Primary Active Gifts: Adrenaline, Overdrive, Ranged Impact, Tranquil Slice, Gift Prowess.
Recommended Mobility: Quick


  • Tranquil Slice is a gift from the DLC that scales with both the Mind and Willpower of your sword, and has a specific setup to be built around with. Not all the damage-boosting Gifts affect it, and it requires a good Blood Code that allows you to use most of the Gifts that do affect it, while also having high overall offensive stats.
  • Iceblood is the weapon that benefits the most from this build, as it is the lightest of the swords with Mind and Will scaling.
  • The Blood Veil Ivory Grace is also one of the lightest Blood Veils in the base game, allowing for Quick mobility easily.


Because this build is centered around damage, the following two passive Gifts are a must:

  • Swift Destruction: On quick mobility, increases all of your damage by 20%. The reason we go lightweight.
  • One-handed Sword Mastery: 20% damage boost on your sword damage. This will contribute greatly to our general damage.

 I will also list all the desirable options below, along the reason of them being there.

  1. Survival Instinct: For extremely risky approaches. This increases your Tranquil Slice damage by approximately 35%, in exchange for being at low HP.
  2. Increased Gift Speed: Can be stacked with other sources to allow you to cast Tranquil Slice and still be able to recover in time to dodge an attack. This working all the time makes it stand out from other sources of speed-increasing gifts.
  3. Tirelessness: Increases your Stamina Regeneration. No brainer, benefits offensive and evasive approaches.
  4. Focused Gift Speed: Unlike Increased Gift Speed, this one needs timing on the player's part to benefit from it. It does stack with other sources, which can allow for extremely fast buffing and Tranquil Slice uses.
  5. Weapon Drain Rating Up: For normal attacks. Not a huge bonus, but you can stack it with other sources.
  6. Debuff Build Up: For normal attacks. Only useful if your weapon has status. Good if you want to abuse of Stun.


Boss Eraser Setup

 Gifts (In order from top to bottom)


Recommended Blood Veil
Overdrive Stacks with other people's Overdrive (including NPCs), and affects the damage of Tranquil Slice. Demands that you don't get hit in exchange, which you want to do anyways.
Adrenaline While the damage buff itself is rather low, its cost-to-duration ratio is insane, and is easily available and usable on most melee Blood Codes.
Ranged Impact This gift does affect Tranquil Slice damage quite considerably. Probably the most important damage buff to use, specially if playing solo. However, its the shortest buff of the list, and as such Ichor reservers are needed for recasting it. As a buff, cast it last if possible.
Tranquil Slice The main core of the build, Tranquil Slice is a niche Gift Skill that only benefits from specific setups and weapons. In exchange, once properly built around it, the damage it can deal is extremely high and remove chunks of HP from bosses in just a few seconds.
Gift Extension Cast this before any other buff to get increased duration. This is important for the fact that setting everything up in the middle of a fight can be rather chaotic. Gift Extension is the safety measure to prevent this from happening before the fight ends. Ivory Grace
Gift Prowess Tranquil Slice itself has a considerable cast time to use. Increasing your gift speed (and possibly stacking it) can allow you to use Tranquil Slice on shorter opportunity windows.
Blood Sacrifice Will provide you with the ichor you need without having to hit stuff. If you want to get risky and go for even more damage, you can put yourself low on HP on purpose and pair it with the Survival Instinct passive to increase your damage even further.
Modest Offering/Disremember Modest Offering is solely for reviving people, and is better used when paired with a partner, or on co-op wth a player.
Disremember is there for using two Tranquil Slices almost back-to-back, increasing your burst damage considerably at the cost of almost your whole Ichor capacity. Use when playing solo, or when you really need the boss to be extremely dead at short notice.

This setup centers completely on busting out Tranquil Slice with the highest damage possible so the boss either dies, or goes into Phase 2 transition and your cooldown can recover to use it again. You will not be tanking anything with this build, so exercise caution.

Blade and Switch Setup

Gifts (In order from top to bottom)



Recommended Blood Veil

Precision/Numbing Mark

Both of these are solely for your normal weapon attacks.
Precision is for staggering bosses more easily, providing you with a small opportunity window to retreat or keep attacking.
Numbing Mark is for those bosses that can be stunned, which provides a larger opportunity window to use Tranquil Slice uninterrupted.

Adrenaline  While the damage buff itself is rather low, its cost-to-duration ratio is insane, and is easily available and usable on most melee Blood Codes.
Ranged Impact  This gift does affect Tranquil Slice damage quite considerably. Probably the most important damage buff to use, specially if playing solo. However, its the shortest buff of the list, and as such Ichor reservers are needed for recasting it. As a buff, cast it last if possible.
Tranquil Slice  The main core of the build, Tranquil Slice is a niche Gift Skill that only benefits from specific setups and weapons. In exchange, once properly built around it, the damage it can deal is extremely high and remove chunks of HP from bosses in just a few seconds. Suicide Spur
Gift Extension  Cast this before any other buff to get increased duration. This is important for the fact that setting everything up in the middle of a fight can be rather chaotic. Gift Extension is the safety measure to prevent this from happening at a bad time.
Bloodsucking Blades  Provides weapon drain rating that scales with your Dark Gift rating, and is what will keep your Ichor topped up with normal attacks between Tranquil Slice casts. Suicide Spur provides the highest dark rating of the base game Blood Veils while also being light, making this buff quite significant.
Modest Offering/Blood Sacrifice  Modest Offering is solely for reviving people, and is better used when paired with a partner, or on co-op wth a player.
Blood Sacrifice is the replacement, and is solely in case you need or want to buff with everything before actually starting the fight.
Feral Tenacity  Your saftey blanket. No matter how hard you will be hit, it will leave you at 1 HP. The cooldown is high, so if it goes off, make sure it's actually beneficial and lets you keep fighting.

Showcase video: 

This setup is for a more controlled approach, when you don't want to die to a stray hit, and also require to have more sustain in battle with weapon attacks. Your total damage is reduced in exchange for better survival chances and Ichor sustain without losing your HP. Suicide Spur will not let you reach quick mobility, so Swift Destruction's damage will be a 10% increase instead. If the extra 10% damage from it is desirable (for the total of 20%), Ivory Grace still provides an extremely good Dark Gift rating.


The End

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